Extractions with North Wind Equine
What to know or do before you contact us for an appointment:
1. If you have x-rays, please have your veterinarian send them to us
Note that if you have the option to have x-rays taken with your local veterinarian, please do so. If we have no referral radiographs, we will likely need 2 appointments to take care of your equid (the first to assess the situation and plan surgery and the second for the actual surgery)
2. If you have a dental chart, please send us a copy or have your veterinarian do so
3. If you know what tooth/teeth are involved, please let us know that information when you contact us
4. We recommend pre-surgical bloodwork to ensure the patient is healthy before surgery. We recommend, but do not require this bloodwork, and this should be performed by your regular veterinarian within 3 months of the scheduled surgery. Please have your veterinarian send us the bloodwork and any concerns they may have.
The bloodwork we recommend includes:
CBC (Complete Blood Count) - to assess overall health and rule out underlying infections
Serum Chemistry - to assess organ health before prolonged sedation episodes and post-operative anti-inflammatories/antibiotics
For horses 15 years old or older, screening for PPID (commonly called Cushings) - animals with early-stage PPID may not show the typical outward signs associated with the disease (long hair coat, muscle wasting, etc), but may still have difficulty healing, or be prone to infections. Untreated PPID can cause delayed or incomplete healing.
Example Surgical Prices: ​
The prices below are a rough estimate intended to give clients an idea of surgical prices. Once you have contacted us with the above information, we will send you a customized quote based on your equid's individual situation.
EOTRH (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis) Surgery - A few isolated incisors and no canine teeth:
EOTRH Surgery - all incisors (12 teeth):
EOTRH Surgery - Some incisors, 1 canine:
EOTRH Surgery - all incisors, 2 canines (14 teeth):
EOTRH Surgery - all incisors, 4 canines (16 total teeth EXTRACTED IN 2 PROCEDURES):
~$4500-5500 (total for both surgeries)
Uncomplicated Cheek Tooth (a fractured, abscessed, or periodontally compromised tooth that does not require advanced procedures):
Complicated Cheek Tooth (a diseased tooth that is compromised to the point of needing an advanced procedure to successfully extract):
Highly Compromised or Diseased Cheek Tooth: (a tooth with little to no remaining integrity or a tooth that is fractured at or below the gum line):
Final price of surgery depends heavily on the following factors:
1. Call charge (depends on the distance for the veterinarian to travel to your location - these estimates have an average call charge of $500)
2. Procedures needed to extract the tooth
3. Actual surgical time the day of surgery
Deposits for Surgery: ​
Please note that we require a deposit of $500 or 50% of the minimum estimate (whichever is greater) in order to hold an appointment date at the time of booking for referral clients outside of our normal practice area (click here for our normal area). This deposit is non-refundable within 30 days of the scheduled surgery.